Home Loans: are you getting your bank’s best?
Home loans are one of the largest debts you will ever have and will have for years to come, so even 5 minutes invested to reduce these costs can potentially save you a small fortune.
The 3 easy steps are simple and well worth the few minutes required to ensure you secure the best rates in market.
Step 1
Go online and look what your current bank is offering for new home loans to see if those rates are lower than what you are paying.
Step 2
If your home loan rate is not 3.69% or better, call Finlease as these rates are on offer from at least 3 main banks.
Step 3
Put a note in your diary to check every 6 months to see if the home loan rates have changed.
For a quick overview of the above steps, we would recommend you to take a look at the following 90 second video by clicking on the link below:-
Are you getting your bank’s best?
Should you have any property requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us on
1800 358 658 or enquiry@finlease.com.au, we would be more than delighted to assist with any enquiries you may have.