What sets Finlease apart?
Here at Finlease we believe in the age old principle of Relationships, do it right and you’ll have a partner for life, done poorly you quickly lose and your partner moves on. (Sounds like a marriage doesn’t it?). When it comes to financing equipment, we make it easy. To make the relationship work we also believe in other qualities:
- Knowledge – we know and understand equipment finance in your industry, in fact we make it our business to know your business. Our knowledge of the finance industry provides you with the correct structures to fund your assets, making sure the life-cycle, depreciation and technological performance all meet, ensuring the solution helps your business grow. Flexibility and spreading the risk around allows you to achieve your business goals and having the right equipment finance solution is part of the ingredient to success.
- Experience – Our experience spans a wide range of industry types. Having been providing Business and Equipment Finance since 1989, we have built a strong team of long serving and highly professional Finance Brokers. That is why we continue to provide in excess of $350M p/a. We can source the right solution to finance equipment.
- Service – Unfortunately today, “Bank Bashing” has become a favourite past-time and some may say for good reason. The old fashioned service that allowed you to directly talk to your manager just does not exist today, how many times do you have to meet a new bank manager? How many times do you get stuck on the “phone queue” just for a simple enquiry? Where-ever possible, we make it a point to visit your business, get to understand your operation and give you personalised service. Like you, your Broker is a business owner, operating his/her business with the same integrity and professionalism as you with your business. Ably supported with a team that ensures an easy way to financing equipment has become a way of life for Finlease.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating – 2 years ago we sought “modern methods” to expand our marketing efforts. Social Media has quickly become the top drawcard for today’s business and done smartly, can not only provide incredible results it’s also “free”. Unbelievable as it may sound we pay more attention to “Social Proof” than we do to Advertising. In fact statistics tell us that people trust advertising only 14% of the time, whereas they trust social proof over 60% of the time. That’s a whopping 4 times more effective! In saying this Finlease has set about getting our clients to provide feedback on our service. We did this through a totally independent feedback site PRODUCT REVIEW. Check out what our customers say.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips.
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